Our Gift - Our Story
Our most precious gift is a permanent easy to access copy of our life's journey
Learning about the lives of relatives we never knew is an exciting journey for all of us and I think that my family will be just as excited when they learn about my life. What was their personality like? What kind of job and how much education did they have? Where did they live? What kind of hobbies did they have? How did they deal with success and failure? Could they sing or paint? Did they play sports? How did they meet their spouse?
Our life story may improve or save someone's life
Especially important, what health issue did they have? Today, inherited health issues are extremely important to a doctor's early diagnosis of one's ailments.
I would like to believe that the story of my life might help future family members get the most out of their lives, minimizing their hardships and maximizing their joy. Perhaps knowing my story, will give them the courage to go on in the face of adversity or to make better-informed decisions. Knowing how I lived my life could put a relative at ease when they realize that I too had gone through a similar situation.
I am the best source of information about my life and the information I leave may help shape the lives of a descendant. It gives me great satisfaction knowing that after I'm gone, that all that I have learned in life could continue to positively impact the lives of future family members.
I can’t count the number of times that I wished that I had asked my relatives more questions about their lives. One of my uncles was extremely successful in business. After I graduated from business school, I realized how much I wished I had learned his formula for success.
I have made it easy to create and save a valuable account of your life, an account that will make you a part of someone’s life. I provide the framework and the guidance so you can leave a forever copy of your story for those yet to come. You provide the story.